


Wealth CMS Tutorial Volume 2 - Configuring Resource Station to Collect X Videos

After setting up the Fa Cai CMS, we will configure the X resource collection site. The collection method of Fa Cai CMS is different from that of Apple CMS; it only requires configuring the API to automatically scan all videos from the resource site and add them.

Fa Cai CMS Setup Tutorial#

Fa Cai CMS Tutorial Episode 1 - Beginner's Guide to Installation with Baota Panel

X Resource Collection Site#

This site has collected most of the X resource collection sites currently available on the market, and the links are here: Collection of X Resource Collection Site URLs

Configure Collection Source#

Here, I will take the Peach Blossom Resource Site as an example: https://thzy1.me/
Open the official website of Peach Blossom Resources and copy the JSON collection interface: https://thzy1.me/api.php/provide/vod/?ac=list
In the website backend, find [Source Management], then add a new collection source. The source name can be customized, generally just write the name of the resource site. It is recommended to fill in the official website address of the resource site here, but you can also fill in any URL. Fill in the API interface provided by the collection site. Pay attention to the interface type and do not fill it in incorrectly. After filling it out, click Add, and the program will automatically crawl the content of the resource site.

Fa Cai CMS Add Collection Source
Wait for five minutes, and you will see that many videos have been collected in the video management section of the website backend.

Fa Cai CMS Collection Successful

Set Categories#

After the video collection is completed, it will enter the program backend according to the categories of the resource site. In the category management section of the website backend, we can clearly see the category ID, belonging source (resource site name), and source category name (the category name of the resource site).

Fa Cai CMS Set Categories
For example, if I want to add the category "Black Material Eating Melon" from the Peach Blossom Resource Site to the website, in the [Navigation Settings] of the website backend, first add a [Parent Node], fill in [Peach Blossom Resources], then click [Add Node] and save.

Fa Cai CMS Add Node
Then, in the [Navigation Settings], select the parent node as [Peach Blossom Resources], fill in "Black Material Eating Melon", click [Add Node], and save the configuration.
This way, we have set up a Peach Blossom Resource (first-level category) and Black Material Eating Melon (second-level category).

Fa Cai CMS Navigation Settings
In the [Navigation Settings], select "Black Material Eating Melon" and fill in the address as “/category/1/Black Material Eating Melon” (/category/category ID/source category name). If you do not know the category ID and source category name, check the category management in the backend. Then click Modify and save the configuration.

Fa Cai CMS Navigation Settings 2
Now, when we open the homepage, we can see the navigation category we just set up. The resources are automatically collected into the database, so after you set up the categories, refreshing the page will allow you to see the resources directly.

Fa Cai CMS Demo Website

Set Navigation#

If you want to set external link navigation in the menu, as shown in the picture below, clicking on the X webmaster on the homepage will directly jump to this site.

Fa Cai CMS External Link Navigation Demo
Enter the website backend, select [Navigation Settings], and then add a new parent node.
Click on the newly added node, change the [Address] to the link you want to redirect to, and then select "Hyperlink Mode".

Fa Cai CMS Add Navigation Hyperlink
【Set Keywords】
If you want to add keywords in the navigation, first search for the keyword, for example, "Young Woman", then copy the address after the #.

Fa Cai CMS Search Keywords
In the website backend, select [Navigation Settings], add a new parent node "Young Woman", and save the settings.

Fa Cai CMS Add Keywords
This way, users can directly click on the keywords in the navigation menu to see the content.

Fa Cai CMS Keyword Navigation Link

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